Real Estate Admin Dashboard Template
This documentation is last updated on 01 August 2024
Thank you for purchasing this HTML template.
Sass Compile -
1.- Install Node.js
To compile Sass via the command line first, we need to install node.js. The easiest way is downloading it from the official website open the package and follow the wizard.
2.- Initialize NPM
NPM is the Node Package Manager for JavaScript. NPM makes it easy to install and uninstall third party packages. To initialize a Sass project with NPM, open your terminal and CD (change directory) to your project folder.
npm init

Once in the correct folder, run the command npm init
. You will be prompted to answer several questions about the project, after which NPM will generate a package.json
file in your folder.
3.- Install Node-Sass
Node-sass is an NPM package that compiles Sass to CSS (which it does very quickly too). To install node-sass run the following command in your terminal: npm install node-sass
npm install node-sass
4.- Write Node-sass Command
Everything is ready to write a small script in order to compile Sass. Open the package.json file in a code editor. You will see something like this: In the scripts section add an scss command

"scripts": { "sass": "node-sass --watch scss/main.scss css/style.css" },
5.- Run the Script
To execute our one-line script, we need to run the following command in the terminal: npm run sass
npm run sass
6.- Other Option
"sass": "node-sass --watch scss/main.scss css/style.css --source-map css/"
Folder Directories -
This folder contains all the images of Omah template.
This folder font files for various template features.
This folder contains all the CSS files of Omah template.
This folder has all javascript files for various template features.
This folder has all plugins used in the template.
This folder has all script contact form used in the template.
Scss File
Folder Structure -
- xhtml
- css
- icons
- avasta
- feather
- flaticon
- helveticaNeue
- icomoon
- line-awesome
- material-design-iconic-font
- simple-line-icons
- themify-icons
- images
- avatar
- big
- card
- product
- profile
- tab
- js
- dashboard
- plugins-init
- scss
- abstracts
- base
- components
- app
- charts
- forms
- ico
- map
- tables
- uc
- ui
- widget
- layout
- footer
- header
- rtl
- sidebar
- theme
- typography
- version-dark
- version-transparent
- pages
- vendor
- amcharts
- apexchart
- bootstrap
- bootstrap-daterangepicker
- bootstrap-material-datetimepicker
- bootstrap-multiselect
- bootstrap-select
- bootstrap-tagsinput
- bootstrap-touchspin
- bootstrap-v4-rtl
- chart.js
- chartist
- chartist-plugin-tooltips
- clockpicker
- datatables
- dropzone
- flot
- flot-spline
- fullcalendar
- global
- highlightjs
- jquery
- jquery-asColor
- jquery-asColorPicker
- jquery-asGradient
- jquery-sparkline
- jquery-steps
- jqueryui
- jquery-validation
- jqvmap
- metismenu
- moment
- morris
- nestable2
- nouislider
- peity
- perfect-scrollbar
- pickadate
- raphael
- select2
- summernote
- svganimation
- sweetalert2
- toastr
- wnumb
- add-blog.html
- add-email.html
- analytics.html
- app-calender.html
- app-profile.html
- blog.html
- .....
Credits -
List of web development libraries and plugins:
Bootstrap daterangepicker
Bootstrap Material Datetimepicker
Bootstrap Multiselect
Bootstrap Select
Bootstrap Tags Input
Bootstrap Touchspin
Chart JS
Chartist Plugin Tooltips
Clock Picker
Full Calendar
Highlight JS
jQuery asColor
jQuery asColorPicker
jQuery asGradient
jQuery Sparkline
jQuery steps
jQuery Validation
Metis Menu
Perfect Scrollbar
Summer Note
SVG Animation
Sweet Alert 2
HTML Structure -


Footer Section

Footer Essentials

Our Products -
Don’t Forget To Check Our Popular Items
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You Will Start Customizing According Your Requirement but what if you don't know
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In Order To Ensure Your Website Is Live, We Will Customize The Template According To Your Requirements And Upload It to the Server.
Version History - #back to top
v3.1 - 01 August 2024
- Fixed compatibility issues with older browsers.
- Fixed minor layout issues on mobile devices.
- Improved cross-browser testing and support.
- Fixed minor styling issues reported by users.
- Fixed issues identified during the testing phase.
- Collected user feedback for further improvements.
- Fixed critical bugs reported by early adopters.
v3.0 - 27 November 2023
- Included all required Property Pages for searching and related property detail.
- Property details page
- Property list page
- Add property page
- Included all Agent Pages, to deal with property.
- Add agent page
- Add agent wizard page
- All agents page
- Agent profile page
- Included CMS page for Content management system.
- Content page
- Content add page
- Menu page
- Email Template page
- Add Email page
- Blog page
- Add blog page
- Blog category page
- Flaticon integration now available for enhanced design options and resources.
- Svg Icons integration now available for enhanced design options and resources.
- Added Responsive datatable table for user-friendly experience and improved website functionality.
- Added Bootstrap datepicker for user-friendly date selection and improved website functionality.
- Included all required Property Pages for searching and related property detail.
- Updated to Bootstrap 5 for enhanced features and improved performance..
- jQuery v3.7.0 for enhanced interactivity and functionality
- Font Awesome v6 for more icons and customization
- OWL carousel Updated for better image display
- Apex Chart Advanced interactive chart with real-time updates
- Upgraded Bootstrap Select for improved dropdown select functionality
- Updated Chart JS library for enhanced data visualization capabilities
- Migrated to NouiSlider for smoother and more user-friendly sliders
- SweetAlert2 for Attractive and customizable pop-up alerts
- Select2 Feature-rich and customizable dropdown select experience
- Light Gallery Enhanced performance, customizable features for a superior user experience.
- DataTables new features, bug fixes, enhanced performance for seamless integration.
- Flot Chart Enhanced Bootstrap 5.3.0 with improved performance and added floating chart
- Documentation Revised and enhanced for better understanding
Design Update
- Email page new features a left sidebar for mobile size.
Bug Fixed
- Design issues resolved for consistent, polished visuals.
- Fixed HTML W3 validation errors for better accessibility.
- Addressed Firefox scrolling for smoother browsing experience.
v2.0 - 18 January 2022
- Bootstrap 5 Version for better user experience and updated components.
- Improved LayoutImproved Layout for low resolution screen..
- Update CSS and Resolve Design issues for consistent, polished visuals.
- Update JS for better fluency
v1.1 - 18 December 2020
- Smart WizardjQuery Smart Wizard for Forms to get better experience.
- Light Gallery Light Gallery Version 1.6.12 for better gallery view.
Bug Fixed
- Design issues resolved for consistent, polished visuals.
- Moris Chart Js Issue Resolve better user experience.
- JqvMap Js Issue Resolve for find the accurate location .
- Update HTML and Fixed W3 validation errors for better accessibility.
- Update CSS and Resolve Design issues for consistent, polished visuals.
- Summer Note Text Editor Version 0.8.18 for text Use.
- Update JS for better fluency
v1.0 - 03 November 2020
- New - Created & Upload Omah